The King George Education Foundation can not exist with out the generous donations from the community. Please consider making a donation to support our programs. KGEF is recognized as a nonprofit public charity by the IRS. Donors can deduct contributions made to our organization under Internal Revenue Code Section 170.
What to Give
A summary of the goods needed for FoxSmart can be found here. A summary of the donations needed for STEM can be found here.
How to Give
You can send us a check at the address below (preferred) or
You can use Stripe using the link below and
If you are an employee of the King George County School Division you can also make contributions via payroll deduction – pleaseclick herefor a printable Payroll Deduction Authorization form and then follow the steps for completing and submitting the form.
There is an option to provide needed school supplies to FoxSmart through an Amazon Wishlist. Click here to shop from the Amazon Wishlist. Deliveries will be sent directly to FoxSmart.
Designated vs General Donations
You have the choice of providing a general donation or a designated donation. General donations will go to KGEF as an organization. If you wish to donate to a specific program such as: FoxSmart, Innovation Grants, or STEM please make a memo with your donation.
Payment Addresses & Links
Please make Checks Payable to:
King George Education FoundationorKGEF
Please mail Checks to:
King George Education Foundation 9100 St. Anthony’s Rd PO Box 1239 King George, VA 22485
Online Payment
The button below can accept payment from Credit Cards, via the Stripe payment system.