New Greenhouse at Sealston Elementary
January 28, 2022
The King George Education Foundation (KGEF) recently provided a new greenhouse for Sealston Elementary School (SES), which was made possible by a very generous donation from Scott and Samantha Cogil of King George. An official ribbon cutting ceremony was held this week at Sealston Elementary, where the Cogils were given the honor of wielding the ceremonial scissors.
During the ceremony, the students heard from several different speakers who pointed out just how special this gift was and how it would enable the students to learn about the “secret life of plants” and the special relationship between plants and animals, each giving something valuable to the other. In this spirit, the speakers outlined all the interesting STEM topics that could be studied and summarized the wonderful plant work that the SES Buddy Club has accomplished to date and how the greenhouse would enable so much more.
The speakers also talked about how the trees in the forest intertwine their roots with other trees for strength and support during high winds and storms; and how they stretch their limbs out to reach each other and “hold hands” in the bright sunshine creating a canopy that brings shade and shelter to a whole host of animals. In doing so, those trees formed a “community for mutual support” just like we do. The example of how the mighty oak tree starts out a just a tiny seedling sprouting from an acorn, was used to show how each these young students could grow up to become a mighty oak and be known as a pillar of their community…just like the Cogils are now, for they too were once tiny seedlings attending elementary school.
In addition to all the science that be learned about how plants grow, develop, and harness the sun to make their food, there are also so many life lessons can be learned from studying plants and their impact on our world. This is truly one STEM investment that could pay dividends across all aspects of primary education. In this context, it became very clear just how special this greenhouse will be for their education.
The greenhouse measures 8 feet wide,12 feet long, and 8 feet high. It came equipped with shelves for plants, ceiling vents, and a wireless hygrometer which allows the teachers and students to remotely monitor the temperature and humidity inside the greenhouse from their classrooms at any time in the day. It will be used by all the STEM classes as well as SES Buddy Club and a team of teachers will share the duty of caring for the plants during school breaks in summer, winter, and spring.